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Reviewing more than 7 years of service


Wisdom Weavers


Occidental Arts and Ecology Center - 5 Day Retreat

Coast Miwok Territory, October 2019. Coherence Lab and Verdant World gathered a diverse group of over thirty international forest advocates including NGO leaders, Indigenous leaders, policy advocates, campaigners, ecologists, business leaders and media representatives. Four days of deep-dive discussions and ceremony resulted in shared understanding and alignment about the critical importance of conserving Primary Forests as a top priority for both the climate change and biodiversity crises, and the need to communicate this message worldwide.


We believe that what is possible when we join forces is exponentially more powerful and effective than efforting alone.

13 Indigenous Wisdom Weavers From Tribes Around the World to Co-create a Message for Humankind.

In November 2017, Coherence Lab was honored to host and support Ilarion (Kuuyux) Merculieff’s vision for 13 Indigenous Wisdom Weavers from tribes around the world to gather for four days on Kaua`i to co-create a message for humankind. Hundreds of community members gathered over the four-day event for sunrise ceremonies, shared traditions, teachings and communication. In an unprecedented move by the elders, sacred councils and ceremonies were filmed by an academy award-winning film team. 
The emergence of collective wisdom and prayer was profound. We were honored to host and support a second gathering for the summer solstice in June 2018. Clearly the thirst for this gathering continues, and our work and partnership will continue for 2019. To visit the official Wisdom Weavers of the World website, please click HERE. 2016 HERE. 2017 HERE.
Please click on the photo to watch a 3-minute video.


MISSION: To Shift the Way Diplomats, Politicians and Nuclear Experts Engage With One Another.

On January 13, 2018, the Hawaiian islands received an Emergency Alert that an inbound ballistic missile was imminent. For 38 minutes, fear was felt everywhere. In the aftermath, our long-time partners at NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth went into action. These experts on US-Russian relations, nuclear weapons and diplomacy traveled from Kaua`i  to Russia for a Peace Summit and Aloha tour. Their mission was to shift the way diplomats, politicians and nuclear experts from different countries with tense foreign relations engage with one another. In preparation for their trip to Russia, Coherence Lab hosted a visioning session with indigenous elders Kumu Hula Puna Dawson, Kumu Sabra Kauka of Kaua’i and Ilarion Merculieff of Alaska , who offered guidance, insights and blessings. We were honored to provide consultation, videos and other tools for bringing the Coherence Lab model to the negotiating table. Ceremony highlights and interview clips filmed during this visioning session were shown across Russia and audiences there said they indeed felt the Spirit of Aloha and a renewed hope for peace between the US and Russia! 
Click here for more information.


YEAR ROUND. Entrepreneurs & Heirs Looking to ShapeTheir Legacies for Global and Personal Responsibility.

Our work has expanded to include work with entrepreneurs and next-generation heirs looking to shape their legacies for global and personal responsibility. Through our events and private coaching we work with individuals and families to redefine wealth and prosperity toward social change. In 2018 we worked with heirs of small and large fortunes and multi-billion dollar family companies to dream into the future of their organizations, and to see how their financial resources could be leveraged into a powerful vision for business rooted in sustainability, innovation and philanthropy. The next generation of heirs wants to use their wealth for the global good, including climate and the environment. Others seek to bring sustainable innovation into their business in a way that feeds the soul of their company. We look forward to expanding this work in 2019.



INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS, ALIGNED ACTIONS. The aim of Kaua'i Circle is to catalyze a community engagement process in which everyone can contribute to the creation of a free, interactive wiki community website that provides a constantly updated scan of Kaua’i as a whole system. The Circle is a tool to assist us in moving beyond our isolated, fragmented existence to create a shared picture of our home, of the place we love. Just as the image of the whole Earth from space transformed our sense of identity, Kaua'i Circle invites us to see our island as one interconnected system and to find ways to coordinate and align our actions for the good of the whole community. We are engaging people of all ages from across the island to co-create Kaua’i Circle:  Hawaiian Indigenous leaders, science, technology, and advocacy experts, educators, students, business, government and NGO organizations. 

Visit here often for schedule of events updates. Click here for Kaua'i Circle editorial.


2019 Kaua'i, Hawai'i

A means to build a “community of innovators for sustainability” with students, traditional practitioners, educational institutions, allies in business, government, non-profit, and community organizations. By bringing together diverse and committed teams, we hope to systematically address Kaua’i’s priority challenges to a sustainable future at the root-cause or systemic level. Innovation efforts will be directed at the application of traditional management practices to new challenges, business models, products and services, and infrastructure that make effective use of natural resources and advance our self-sufficiency, sustainability and quality of life on Kaua’i.


2019 Kaua'i, Hawai'i

INSPIRATION, ACTION, IMPACT. Bringing together the leadership and expertise that already resides within the different communities of Kaua’I, the Leadership Summit creates a platform for sharpening the focus on developing a sustainability model for Kaua’i. Articulating where we collectively want to be will support the widening of our problem-solving lens by harnessing the collective intelligence that resides both within and outside of this island community (pre-cursor to Solutions Lab.)
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Dec 10-14, 2017

Modern law “sees” nature as human property.  Yet whole system science and ancient wisdom teach that there is no separation between humans and all life on Earth. In the spirit of Aloha ʻĀina, there are no owners of land, we are but temporary stewards. Several countries and dozens of US communities have recognized legal rights for ecosystems to exist, thrive, and regenerate their vital cycles.  Coherence Lab is excited to help bring Rights of Nature to Kauai!  In January we held a Rights of Nature Summit to explore opportunities to bring human law into balance with natural law, where land is held as the center of our own spirituality, health and well-being, and that we bear this responsibility during not only our own lifetime, but for all generations to come. We are excited to announce that in partnership with the Terra Conservation Trust, we are working with landowners to secure the first rights of nature conservation easements on the island.  Through this evolutionary conservation easement, the deeded land is recognized as having legal rights; guaranteed to be protected from ecological damage in perpetuity no matter who owns the deed to the land in future generations.  Join us in December to learn more about rights of nature. 

WINTER 2017 Kilauea, Hawai'i

WOMEN'S CALL TO ACTION. The time has come for the nurturing Power of the Feminine to restore and heal a world governed by systems of dominance over nature. We believe that women—as life givers and caretakers, leaders of organizations, movements, businesses, governments, families and households—bring the power of co-creation, shared experiences and vastly underexplored methodologies for creating change. It is time to bring women together to share their experiences, empathy, knowledge and energy; to co-create a new vision for climate, community and sustainability on Kaua'i; and to empower, support and nourish each other to serve as agents of change in their own lives. We seek to create a space for authentic dialogue between women who are powerful change-makers and to develop long-term projects and platforms for the sustainability of Kaua'i.

To read more details about last year's Summit, objectives, speakers and vision, click here.

OCT 22, 2017

LEADING FROM THE EMERGING FUTURE: UNITING SYSTEMS SCIENCE, ANCIENT WISDOM AND PRESENCE. What practical strategies can we cultivate to strengthen our ability to operate from our ideal intended outcomes and apply "inspired coherence" in our work? Hosted by Prajna Horn,co-founder, ED, Coherence Lab. With: Joanna Macy, beloved and renowned "whole systems" thinker, activist and Buddhist teacher; Shilpa Jain, Executive Director, YES! World; Rene Henery, ecologist and eco-geographer, California Science Director for Trout Unlimited.  
Listen to: Leading from the Emerging Future - Uniting Systems Science Ancient Wisdom and Presence. Click here. 
To learn more, please click here.

JAN 22-25, 2017 retreat ONGOING 2017 Kaua'i, Hawai'i

EXIST, THRIVE AND EVOLVE. As a think tank and action lab, we kicked off the New Year by convening our first incubation. We brought together mainland legal experts on the rights of nature from the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund with land trust lawyers from Kaua'i, and local landowners to explore how recognizing legal Rights for Nature to “exist, thrive and evolve its natural cycles” could offer new protections for Kaua'i ecosystems that support traditional Hawaiian values of the sacred. For decades, traditional conservation easements have been used by landowners to protect land from development. Rights of Nature easements build on those traditional conservation models by including stronger provisions which recognize the rights of waterways, forests, and other ecosystems to be free from harmful development—in perpetuity.

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NOV 3-6, 2016 Kilauea, Hawai'i

UNIFYING VISION FOR THE FUTURE OF KAUA'I. We held our first Kaua'i JAM, a project we ran in partnership with YES!, a nonprofit organization that connects, inspires and collaborates with changemakers to create thriving, just and sustainable ways of life for all. The JAM was more successful than we could have ever imagined – introducing us to new tools and strategies for bringing different views together to build a unified vision for the future of Kaua'i. In 2017, we are planning to offer JAMs to unite diverse groups of people to realize a community-derived vision for Kaua'i.
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